Travel by car from Argyle to Armstrong

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Route from Argyle to Armstrong by car. 209 km, estimated duration 2 hours 38 mins.

  • Distance: 209 km

  • Duration: 2 hours 38 mins

Highway route generated between Argyle and Armstrong.

The distance between these two points is 209 km, estimated duration 2 hours 38 mins.

Under the road map we have generated,you will see the safety cameras that you'll encounter on your journey, we must note that although we update our database daily, it is possible that a radar gun is installed close from Armstrong not yet show.

If for any reason you see that something is wrong or that you can improve or just want to comment on this trip, you can do so at the bottom of this page.

Road map between Argyle and Armstrong

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Cities near to your route (within 30)

What can you see by the way?

Rail Station - Maryborough Rail Station - Maryborough
Autor: nipper30
War Memorial - Maryborough War Memorial - Maryborough
Autor: nipper30
Bull and Mouth Hotel - Maryborough Bull and Mouth Hotel - Maryborough
Autor: nipper30
Midland Hotel, Castlemaine Midland Hotel, Castlemaine
Autor: Andrew Royle
Restored VR signal box, Castlemaine Restored VR signal box, Castlemaine
Autor: Andrew Royle
Did anyone ever Escape? Did anyone ever Escape?
Autor: snucklepuff
Ararat Hotel (2010). In 1940, a facade was erected to unite what was once the Camp Hotel, a row of shops and the Bull & Mouth Hotel on this site Ararat Hotel (2010). In 1940, a facade was erected to unite what was once the Camp Hotel, a row of shops and the Bull & Mouth Hotel on this site
Autor: Muzza from McCrae
Ararat Masonic Centre (2010). The Lodge of Ophir was established on this site in 1906 Ararat Masonic Centre (2010). The Lodge of Ophir was established on this site in 1906
Autor: Muzza from McCrae
J Ward (2010). For 102 years this was the only institution in Victoria entirely devoted to the care of the criminal insane. It was decommissioned in 1989 J Ward (2010). For 102 years this was the only institution in Victoria entirely devoted to the care of the criminal insane. It was decommissioned in 1989
Autor: Muzza from McCrae

panoramio * The images provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners

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Travel route

209 km (tiempo estimado 2 hours 38 mins)
  • 1.Head northwest on Northern Hwy/B75 toward Heathcote-Nagambie Rd/C3444.9 km-36.948398,144.734769
  • 2.Turn left onto Heathcote-Redesdale Rd/Mitchell St/C326
    Continue to follow C326
    25.1 km-36.914736,144.70077
  • 3.Turn right onto Siddles Rd2.8 km-37.054161,144.524202
  • 4.Continue onto Metcalfe-Redesdale Rd9.2 km-37.050551,144.492866
  • 5.Turn right onto Metcalfe Elphinstone Rd6.9 km-37.099435,144.420846
  • 6.Turn left onto Allendale Rd/Bendigo-Sutton Grange Rd/Sutton Grange-Bendigo Rd
    Continue to follow Bendigo-Sutton Grange Rd
    2.7 km-37.081383,144.355106
  • 7.Continue onto Pyrenees Hwy/B18012.8 km-37.090067,144.3327
  • 8.Continue straight onto Forest St0.6 km-37.066855,144.216613
  • 9.Turn left onto Bowden St0.4 km-37.066062,144.209894
  • 10.Continue onto Ray St0.9 km-37.069191,144.208244
  • 11.Slight right onto Maldon Rd/Pyrenees Hwy/B180
    Continue to follow Pyrenees Hwy/B180
    44.9 km-37.069112,144.197956
  • 12.At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Napier St/Pyrenees Hwy/B1800.5 km-37.047138,143.740975
  • 13.At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto Inkerman St/Pyrenees Hwy/B1800.2 km-37.049741,143.736888
  • 14.At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto High St/Pyrenees Hwy/B180
    Continue to follow Pyrenees Hwy/B180
    88.3 km-37.048449,143.73543
  • 15.Turn right onto National Highway A8 (signs for Warrnambool/Hamilton/B180)7.8 km-37.282413,142.931831
  • 16.Turn right onto Old Brewery Rd0.9 km-37.222483,142.892893
Map data ©2016 Google

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